Friday, August 15, 2008

The Fever is Coming Back!

I'm feeling a strong urge to post soon! Parrish gone, PMB resigned, schedule released, alot has happened since Adriana was born. That said, I'm getting hockey fever. I planted the TV on NHL Network a few nites ago and watched the Top 10 Playoff Goals of the 2003 Playoffs. Bruno's series winner v. Patrick Roy was #2. Makes me excited to see Bruno again this year.

We're a month and 5 days out from training camp opening in Grand Forks. So consider this your teaser promo. Wild View from Section 216 will be returning shortly.


  1. Good to see you back! Summer seems to have disappeared on me...

  2. I can't wait for the start of training camp...we'll finally have something to talk about again!


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